Tuesday, July 30, 2013

DMag Magazine 10 Pack for only $58.95


RAP4 is proud to announce two great DMag packages that will fill your vest without emptying your wallet. Players who want an enormous amount of firepower onboard their DMag-equipped paintball guns can choose the DMag 20 Round Magazine 10 Pack for only $58.95 - only $5.89 per magazine! When you want to run a little more streamlined with a slightly shorter magazine, reach for the DMag 14 Round Magazine 10 Pack for the same low price.

We know what conditions are like at Oklahoma D-Day, the Invasion of Normandy, the Michigan Monster Game, and mag fed only games around the world. Our players report in from intense scenarios from the southwestern deserts to the northeastern pinelands, and our engineers play right alongside some of our finest commanders and craftiest snipers. To stay strong, and stay competitive, you need virtually indestructible gear that can survive the rain, bake in the sun, get knocked against trees and rocks and concrete walls...and keep performing flawlessly.

That's why we designed the polymer-body DMags, with their innovative detents and their twin vertical stacks for the most reliable feeding possible. They'll take the abuse...because they were designed to thrive under real world playing conditions.

But if you break one, lose one, or toss one to a stranger in the heat of battle...no worries. With these hot 10 Pack deals, those magazines are only $5.89 each - not expensive enough to worry about when the OpFor is bearing down.

And just try to destroy your DMags. If you somehow succeed, the replacement cost is less than other magazines, and far less than any other force-feed loading device. But should you break part of the magazine, you can completely rebuild each DMag with inexpensive spare parts. Buy just the parts you need, or keep a few parts kits handy so you can fix your team's DMags in the field without having to head to the vendor's village. We make disassembly, cleaning, and even repair, incredibly easy...by design. Because mud gets everywhere. Because sand gets in everything. Because sometimes you play a little too hard.

With DMags, we've got you covered. And with these incredible 10 Pack deals, we've got you well armed for an unbelievable price, too.

Real Action Paintball - As Real as it Gets!

Friday, July 12, 2013


paintball gun dday

Real Action Paintball would like to thank all the players who stopped past our shooting booth at Oklahoma D-Day, where they used the all-new 468 marker to shoot actual projectiles inside our Laser Shot digital combat training system! When the weather got intense outside, players poured into our facility in the world-class vendor's village to experience the unique thrill of shooting a 468 paintball gun...

...inside a military-grade Laser Shot digital training system.

Here's a great video of a very memorable D-Day player showing you how it's done: View video

And here's how that all works...

The 468 is designed to function flawlessly with traditional spherical paintballs, as well as with shaped specialty paint rounds like First Strike rounds. It can also easily, accurately, and reliably shoot special training rounds like reusable and water-filled training rounds, and specialty rounds restricted to military and law enforcement use. When integrated with a Laser Shot digital training system, we load up the 468 with non-marking, reusable training rounds.

Then we brief the player on how to use the marker - which is easy if they've ever used an M4, M16, or AR15 rifle - and immerse them in a tactical training scenario via the Laser Shot system. That system projects a high definition movie onto a screen (or series of screens in more complex setups), which presents either a force-on-force tactical scenario or a marksmanship training scenario. We largely ran players through a competitive shooting scenario, where they used the 468 to shoot at pepper poppers and silhouette targets as the simulator led them through a complex, target-rich shooting course.

The Laser Shot's master computer tracked where their paintballs impacted on the screen, and correlated that instantly with the targets displayed. The pepper poppers fell down; the silhouette targets registered hits; the scenario moved on, presenting more interactive challenges.

Players had to adapt to the different targets, track them across the distant movie screen, and put actual projectiles on-target in real time.

RAP4 proudly works with Laser Shot, the premier innovator of digital firearms simulator systems, to combine our 468s with their training simulators...and at OK D-Day this year, our players got to see firsthand the Laser Shot and 468 setup that police and militaries around the world are using as part of their training!

Whether turning the tides at Oklahoma D-Day, or training officers and soldiers in the skills that will save their lives, we're proud of the 468's dynamic roles...and the way it performs them with industry-leading realism and reliability.

Real Action Paintball - As Real as it Gets!


paintball game with 468

Real Action Paintball is proud that our LOK Bolt will keep you in the game no matter the weather. While rain can compromise the integrity of your paint, your 468 will keep going strong...and keep you safe from chopping paint. The purely mechanical LOK Bolt requires no batteries, will not short circuit in the rain, and is engineered to succeed where laser "eyes" fail.

We saw the LOK Bolt save the day at OK D-Day this year, when the skies opened up and compromised a lot of players' paint. Those using 468s cleared their compromised paint without chopping, swapped in fresh magazines full of dry paint, and got right back to blasting away as those with hoppers dumped hundreds of wasted balls and scrubbed out filthy chambers. The 468 held a distinct advantage, one shared with other markers equipped with our LOK Bolt.

The LOK Bolt mechanism includes a small lever that is engaged by paint when it becomes fully seated in the chamber. Pull the trigger, and your 468 or other LOK Bolt - enable marker fires normally. But if the paint isn't fully seated yet, the LOK Bolt prevents the bolt from "chopping" paint by rapidly closing on a partially-seated ball. In this way, it functions like a simplified, more reliable version of a complicated break-beam laser system.

Where it really excels is in wet weather where your paint becomes compromised by exposure to high humidity or direct water contact. In those cases, your paint swells and becomes squishy...and won't fit down your barrel. These balls pop like miniature water balloons when bolts close on them, making the inside of your paintball gun a soupy mess. Laser eyes "see" those compromised balls in the chamber, and allow the marker to cycle as if nothing is wrong.

But the LOK Bolt won't - that lever will not be properly engaged by compromised paint...so the bolt can't close. You'll know the paint is fine when you pull the trigger and it fires through the rain, striking your opponent. You'll know the paint is compromised when you pull the trigger and the LOK Bolt prevents your marker from bursting the paint. Either way, your test is simple: pull the trigger. Clear the spoiled paint if it your gun goes click instead of bang.

The 468's revolutionary design makes clearing spoiled paint incredibly simple. Just disengage the rear receiver pin and rotate the top half of the receiver up. Shake the compromised paint out of the chamber, close the receivers and slide the pin back in place, then insert a fresh magazine...and keep going. It's that simple, and takes just a few seconds - a proper fix that is impossible with most other paintball gun designs, giving you an edge when the clouds open up.

The LOK Bolt comes standard on the 468, and is available for the MKP and T68 as well. Make sure you have a LOK Bolt installed before you take to the field, and no matter the weather or rate of fire, you'll have the confidence that your marker won't chop...so you can focus on your tactics and complete your mission.

Real Action Paintball - As Real as it Gets!


mag fed only paintball game

Real Action Paintball is proud to announce the formation of the Magfed Only Games (MFOG) group, dedicated to networking magfed players together and promoting this ultra-realistic game format. Paintball is more fun when you have more people to play against, and magfed paintball is most enjoyable when playing exclusively with other magfed players - hoppers look ridiculous and the even playing field created by everyone using magazine-fed paintball guns creates games that are truly as real as it gets. So we're putting a lot of muscle into the MFOG, and are excited for you to join us.

All you have to do - right at the moment, anyway - is like the RAP4 page for the MFOG, conveniently located right here: http://www.facebook.com/MagFedOG

Players are already meeting up on that page, posting about starting MFOG events in western New York, in Utah, and Orlando, Florida...and a lot of other places, too. Once you've liked the page, post up where you're located...and see if anyone hollers back from your area.

We'd hate to see magfed players wondering where they can find each other, while they're only a few minutes away. MFOG is a great way to spread news about big games across the country...and also to find those teams, organizers, and individuals right in your area who you never knew were into magfed.

You can post up event invitations, or just let the community know when and where your magfed group is playing next. Got a sweet mod to your 468, or an awesome setup you have to share with the world? Post it...or just haunt the page and see what rigs other players are carrying into action around the world.

This isn't an exclusive club - anyone who loves magfed paintball can join, whether you shoot a T68 or a 468, an MKP, or another magfed paintball gun. The point is meeting up. Organizing. Getting games together...

...and keeping it as real as it gets out there.

Real Action Paintball - As Real as it Gets!